5 Tips for Beginner Efoil Riding

5 Tips for Beginner Efoil Riding

Start slow, use a stable 100L board, wear safety gear, and practice throttle control for a safer efoiling experience.

Getting Started

Choosing the Right Efoil Board

Size matters when it comes to selecting your first efoil board. Larger boards offer better balance and control, which is crucial for beginners. An efoil board with a size of about 100 liters in volume is recommended because it offers more buoyancy, allowing you to stabilize yourself better.

Learning the Basics on Land

Before you start learning on the water, you need to familiarize yourself with the efoil control and its mechanics. Make sure you use the remote control to get used to the throttle and brake system. Understanding how your body movements affect the board's balance will provide you with a much smoother learning curve on the water.

Finding the Ideal Location

Your first rides with the efoil should be in calm water with flat conditions to increase safety and facilitate learning. Choose places with very little boat traffic and a sandy or muddy bottom, as you can injure yourself easily when you fall. At a minimum, find waters that are 4-6 feet deep to ensure your foil does not hit the bottom.

Starting in Kneeling Position

When you are ready to kick off in the water, start by kneeling in the center of the board. This position gives the board more overall stability and allows you to easily adjust to its physical response. Gradually increase the throttle while maintaining balance on your knees. This will help you build up to a point where the foil begins to lift.

Gradual Progression to Standing

The transition to a standing position should be gradual. Start by kneeling on the board, then slowly push yourself up while ensuring your weight is centered. Keep your knees slightly bent and look straight ahead to maintain your balance. It may take numerous attempts, but the key is to ensure that you eventually get it securely.

Equipment Essentials

The choice of efoil is particularly important for a beginner. It is recommended to choose a board with a larger surface area and a higher volume, typically around 100 liters. It will help gain stability, which is crucial while trying to balance and control the board for the first time.

Understand the Foil

The foil, or hydrofoil, is a component lifting an efoil out of the water during a ride. A beginner should try to find a foil with a larger wing, known as a front wing. It provides lift at lower speeds and makes the experience more stable. The recommended wing surface area is around 2000 square centimeters.

Essential Safety Gear

Safety gear is very important while learning to efoil. A careful choice of a professional helmet and impact vest should be made. Moreover, a beginner needs a wetsuit to protect the body from cold and provide some extra floating.

Remote Control Features

A remote control is an instrument used to operate an efoil while in the water. Beginners should choose the simplest remote with clear and responsive features. Before entering the water, make sure to test the remote on the shore. More advanced models of efoil are provided with adjustable settings allowing a beginner to regulate power according to the skill level.

Battery and Charger

An efoil is powered by a lithium-ion battery, and the battery capacity is an important factor. A beginner should pick a model with a higher and longer-lasting capacity, around 1000 watt-hours. The battery needs a regular charge, and it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations and charging instructions.

Basic Techniques

Mastering the Throttle Control

An efoil operator must learn how to use the throttle gently to avoid imbalance. Start with minimal power to avoid sudden jerking. As you get familiar with the controls, increase the power. You can practice on land to feel the sensitivity and response of the remote control.

Proper Stance and Balance

To stay in balance, the right body position is essential. Your feet should be at shoulder width when standing on the efoil. Moreover, your knees should be slightly bent to lower your body’s center of gravity. Ensure your weight is well-distributed to keep the board aligned. Use a slight shift in body weight to steer and move.


A carve is a turn made by leaning and pressing your foot in the direction you need to move. A carve is the best way to navigate an efoil. While making a turn, lower your body to bend your knees as one foot follows the other. Ensure your feet press hard on the board. When still learning, make gentle turns at low speeds.

Maintaining a Steady Gaze

Look at the horizon rather than down at your feet to maintain balance. This steadies your body and helps in attaining balance. Eyes looking forward will help you anticipate stronger tendencies or navigate around obstacles.

Handling Falls and Recoveries

Falling is part of the process. When about to fall, try going away from the board to avoid tripping or injuring yourself. Get back quickly, focusing on the falls and trying to climb back to build recovery speed.

Safety Precautions

Wearing the Right Safety Gear

Make sure you’re wearing the proper safety gear before you start efoiling. Never skip a high-quality helmet and an impact vest. A helmet is crucial because it protects your head while the vest buffers your torso from sudden falls and collisions. In addition to keeping you warm, a wetsuit provides some buoyancy, which can be helpful.

Checking Weather and Water Conditions

Before you go, always check weather and water conditions. As a beginner, avoid open water, rough seas, violent currents, and high winds. A bright sunny day and flat, calm water is the ideal environment. Real-time weather and sea condition app and website updates can be the most helpful.

Use the Safety Leash

When you fall, the safety leash prevents your efoil board from drifting. Make sure it’s fastened to you and your board and that it’s secure. When you fall off in the middle of open water, this device will prevent you from having to swim through a mile of water to retrieve your board.

Stay Within Safe Zones

Understanding the set safe zones where you can efoil is critical. Avoid efoiling in places with boat traffic, other water activities, and swimmers. Public beaches with guards and clearly marked-off limits are a good choice. Knowledge of community water and safety protocols can also help.

Emergency Preparedness

Always be ready for emergencies. Bring a whistle and a waterproof phone case holder for your mobile device. If you fall and need assistance, blowing the whistle or making a call for assistance to save your life is critical. You’ll bear good fruits if you tell someone on the shore about your plans for efoiling, such as the place and time of return.

Common Mistakes


Over-throttling is one of the most common mistakes beginners make. Too much throttle input, especially when you are just starting, can easily become uncontrollable, leading to discomfort and falls. Start with gentle applications and increase speed as your confidence grows. One way to get a feel through the sensitivity of the remote is to practice throttle control on the beach or shore.

Incorrect Stance

Stance is key to stability and control. Never stand straight up or lock your knees. Bend your knees slightly and keep your weight centered to lower the center of gravity and create a counterweight. Check your position periodically and make adjustments to avoid developing a poor stance out of laziness. Efoiling, like other sports, requires a proper stance, and a good stance will become second nature.

Ignoring Water Conditions

As a beginner, you may not yet appreciate the importance of the body of water you are surfing. Rough water can be more challenging and increase your chances of feeling uncomfortable. Therefore, always consult the forecast and travel plan. Aim to have as much flat water as possible as that is the ideal water condition for practice.

Neglecting Safety Gear

Finally, never ignore your safety gear. It is recommended not to efoil without a helmet and impact vest; the helmet will protect you from head injuries, while the vest provides the proper cushioning for the foil-on-body impact. Additionally, a wetsuit will offer thermal protection and buoyancy, which enhances the safety and ease of the sport.

Skip Warm-up

Skipping warmups altogether will increase the risks of cramping, muscle tear, and general fatigue. Go through easy stretches before getting yourself on the board. Focus on stretching the legs, back, and shoulder areas for ease of boat control.

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