5 Key Techniques for Mastering Efoiling

5 Key Techniques for Mastering Efoiling

Practice balance (80% success in 10 sessions), control speed with the remote, lean for turns, shift weight for jumps, and wear safety gear.

Basics of Efoiling

Introduction to Efoiling

Efoiling is a relatively new and original type of watersport that combines characteristics of surfing, kitesurfing, and hydrofoiling. Due to a battery-powered electric motor and a hydrofoil, people can fly over the water at unprecedented speed whilst staying in full control. The board rides are elevated over the water in that its hydrofoil removes the drags and makes the process utterly smooth and silent.

Efoil Board Components

An efoil board integrates a battery-powered motor and a propeller installed underneath the board on a hydrofoil wing. The hydrofoil itself is similar to an underwater airplane wing which lifts the board as more and more speed is gained. This way, drag is reduced, allowing for nearly soundless and somewhat high-speed gliding. The user steers the board using a wireless remote which can speed it or balance it.

Equipment and Materials

The facilities involved are the board made using lightweight and sturdy materials such as carbon fiber or fiberglass, the motor and battery usually integrated into the board, the hydrofoil proper, and the remote.

Learning to Efoil

Efoiling can be somewhat challenging to learn, however, with the proper equipment and some prior experience riding other boards, it should not present a problem. Mastering the technique involves beginning the rides on the knees or lying down to get a feel for the balance whilst working up to a standing position. Learners should endeavor to keep a clear balance and operate the speed setting on the field to maintain a raised efoil.

Practice and Safety

Practice should be conducted in still water with the appropriate equipment such as helmets to avoid injuring oneself on falls. Efoiling is a thrilling activity that is projected to be fun.

Essential Equipment

The eFoil Board

The efoil board is of course the most vital of the setup. This comes in various sizes, generally shaped from carbon fiber or fiberglass, to make them more durable and lighter. Smaller boards make you more agile but less stable and stability boards offer you a lot more stability, allowing them to be great for beginners.

The Hydrofoil

This has a mast connected to a fuselage and wings. The fuselage is between the wings and mast. The mast which is usually around 24-30 inches attaches the wings to the board. Wings come in many types and sizes. Larger wings are more secure and lift at lower speeds, this helps for starters. Smaller wings are quick, making them easier to control.

The Battery

This helps power the electric power motor, most batteries last about 60 to 90 minutes depending on speed and weight power. Batteries are influenced by the number of kilowatts (kw) the foil has. Typical efoils run between 3 to 5 kw. Gregs’ efoil runs 6 kw. Our efoil can reach 25 mph.

The Remote Control

This includes the handheld remote and the battery display charger. It has a throttle control trick and an LCD LEVEL to demonstrate speeds, battery life, and much more. The remote is a little unique so make sure you get knowledge of it, and learn to work it so you can control the speed to go forward or slow down.

Safety Gear

Make sure you have your safety gear, by no means should anyone ride without a helmet, and an impact coat is also ideal for if you fall. Depending on the water’s temperature, a wet suit or dry suit to stay warm while riding, also gloves for gripping the board.

Charger and Maintenance Tool

A decent charger will also be useful, without a charger the battery will not be able to charge up, taking the battery about 2 to 3 hours to charge the whole battery. Regularly use and make sure the bolts are tight, also the maintenance tools help your efoil last longer. A leash is also suggested, in case you fall off, also a GPS tracker or a bag to put your efoil in.

Safety Tips

Wearing Proper Safety Gear

When efoiling, wearing safety gear is essential. Wearing a helmet is critical to protecting your head should you fall or hit something. An impact vest is also useful as it provides buoyancy ensuring you remain afloat and prevents impact to the torso. Depending on water conditions, you may also need to wear a wetsuit or drysuit to keep warm and prevent hypothermia.

Weather and Water Conditions

It is always advised to check the weather and the feasibility of the water before efoiling. The preferred time for efoiling is clear and calm weather. Avoid high winds, storms, rough waters, and ensuring clear visibility are critical steps to a safe adventure. If you cannot see through the water, don’t efoil.

Regular Inspection of the Equipment

Ensure the efoil is in good condition before taking it out. Check the battery for damages or wear and charge it fully before using it. The hydrofoil, board, and remote control also need to be checked for wear and defects.

Familiarize with Local Rules on Efoiling

Knowing the rules that govern efoiling is key. Some areas prohibit efoiling while others govern the speed limit and the required safety equipment. Learning to efoil according to rules helps maintain these waters for efoiling and ensures the safety of everyone.

Learn On Safe Falling Techniques

Falling is a part of learning. To safely fall, always fall upwards and as far away from the board as you can. It is important to have your body relaxed and tuck your arms and legs in to reduce the impact.

Start Slowly

As you learn, always start with slow speeds and avoid deep waters. Start slow and build your speed and expertise as you efoil more.

Staying Safe

Avoiding other watercraft in the water, maintain distance from them even when in a group. Safe zones are the best to efoil. Always stay away from developed areas and other water users, and the docks.


Before leaving, let at least someone know where you are and for how long. If possible, use an efoil with another person. Always stay off busy waters and those frequented by boats because you are not very visible.

Safety Devices

Having safety devices like a GPS tracker can guide you to your location in case you get lost. Other crucial tools are a whistle and a phone case.

Know Your Limits

At all times, know your limits. In case you feel the wave has pushed you to the edge, stop. Accepting that you are no longer handling the activity will save you from fatal accidents. Efoiling should be refreshing; these tips will help you stay safe.

Basic Maneuvers

Standing Up

The first step is to learn to stand up on an efoil. You should lie on the board in the water completely flat. Put your hands up, lift your torso slightly up, and place your knees inside the board. Kneel down, keep your balance low; when you are sure that you can balance yourself on your knees, slowly put each foot forward. You should be standing up slowly, and your legs should be the main source of stability and balance.


Balancing is crucial for keeping a steady and fixed position while moving on an efoil. Keep your legs at a shoulder’s width distance on the board. Keep your knees slightly bent; the leg muscles help keep balance. Your body should be over the board, not leaning, and the core should be straightened. Press the feet against the board and continue making small weight shifting.


Turning is the process of turning the efoil left or right to change direction. Turn right by pressing with your toes on the left leg and leaning slightly to the right. Do the turn to your left by pressing with your right foot’s toes and leaning left. Make sure to put pressure on both toes; tipping on one of them can be dangerous. Practice turning smooth, slow, and making long arcs.

Speed Control

The speed control of the remote is the key to learning the efoil. Set the speed to the lowest setting and increase gradually. The remote affects the up-speed of the foil set, which results in higher or lower speed.

Navigating Through Waves

Navigating waves takes timing and some finesse. Approach waves at an angle rather than straight to keep from wobbling. As you ascend a wave, shift your weight slightly back, sliding hands back to raise the nose. As you descend the wave, shift weight forward, slide your hand back to lower the nose. This will help keep the foil in the water and keep it from breaching. When learning steering, begin with small waves and graduate to larger ones.


Falling is part of the learning process for anything, including efoiling. Learn to fall away from the board to avoid tumbling on the board. Learn to gain the board by using a swim, sideways position and use the board and its edge to lift yourself back in. Remain calm. Fall and take time to position yourself before trying to stand again.

Proper Posture

Proper posture is everything for control and ease of effort. Stand with knees slightly bent. Back straight and perched on the edge of engaging your quads. Stand tall with your eyes forward. Use your core to maintain balance when needed or during a crash. Learn to bounce for rough water or transition in speed and speed. Bouncing while hanging on or falling off is key to using your core during bumpy sessions.


Once you have the hang of negotiating the chop as it comes at you, it is time to learn to glide. Use the remote and gain a cruising speed that is steady but brisk. Smooth operator with the hips. Use your hips to good effect to dance with the tides.


As important as starting an efoil is to make sure you stop correctly. This can be done by gradually reducing the speed using a remote and slowly pushing the weight back to bring the board fully to water. When at a complete stop, gingerly step off the board should be adhered to always. You can practice these stops to avoid crashing abruptly and further perfect your control of the efoil.

Advanced Maneuvers

Carving Turns

At the center of stylish efoiling maneuvering are carving turns. First, ensure that the foil runs so fast that it lifts you out of the water. Lean around the turn, directing the board with the help of your shoulders and hips. Leaning harder on your toes or heels will help you lean more into the turn as well. To carve a gentle, elegant arc, keep a smooth, constant lean. More advanced efoilers can incorporate many turns to complete a lengthy, fluid connection across the water.

Jumps and Aerials

Jumps and aerials necessitate precise timing and control. Ride into a modest wave or wake at a gentle pace. When approaching the wave, transfer your weight somewhat to the rear to raise the board’s nose, then power your legs upward to launch. While in the air, hold your knees close to your chest to retain your balance. To reduce the impact, utilize your legs to embrace off while ensuring that the foil smoothly re-engages with the water immediately afterwards.

Tight Turns

When executing tight, aggressive turns, increase your speed slightly. Transfer your weight firmly and quickly in the direction you wish to turn as you begin. Lead with your upper body, twisting your shoulders ahead of your hips, while your legs provide most of the pressure. Because tight turns require greater strength and balance, try them in quieter circumstances before branching out into larger waves.

Switch Stance Riding

Switching your position enhances your flexibility and balance. Start by slowly moving and shifting your weight behind your centerline. Change your stance by turning your hips and shoulders in one direction as you spin your feet in the other. Ride in switch stance at a reasonable speed to get a feel of the modified equilibrium and control measures.

Advanced Speed Control

Once you can hover comfortably, you can start to perfect your speed control with the remote and the foil’s response. Accelerate and brake quickly to learn more about how responsive the board is to your remote inputs. Counteracting varies less water conditions like choppy water, maintaining your speed as much as possible is essential for linking turns and keeping the flow in your riding.

Navigating Over Larger Waves

When you can foil comfortably over the small to medium-sized waves, steer the board up the wave either from slightly behind it or from the side. When surfing a wave, you should firstly head down the line the wave angle, second, match your speed with the wave you are on, third move up and down with your body lean. When you hit the top of the wave, it’s time to shift your balance forward slightly and ride down the face of the wave. Coordination of board movement with the water wave is essential.


Do a backside 180 by accelerating and leaning your body backward. Then slowly spin or pivot the board about its center point then landing both feet in the end. You can also do a backside 360 by accelerating, facing backward and always remember to stay in the centerline and pivot when you need to do a spin.

Duck Diving

When a wave from inside or outside to within or under, one should lean forward press the nose down and apply pressure over it. After applying pressure, let the foil get driven under the wave.

Riding in Choppy Conditions

Ride in choppy conditions and rough with confidence. Bent your knees and loose upper body to help adjust body movements and dampen stress from the waves. Employ slight changes in body weight to help with the balance and control of the board. Practicing in different water conditions will enable you to acclimate and master new tricks, which will come in handy when you least expect it.

Group Riding and Drafting

Riding with others can always improve your skills and abilities. Space oneself at the recommended distance and stay connected verbally. Formations and strategies can be experimented with. Start on and off to stay focused and conserve energy. A team approach allows you to develop and change your tactics and understand the skills and tools necessary in efoiling maintenance.

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